Saturday, March 7, 2015

29 weeks

Ah 29 weeks, we made it yet once again! So thankful for Baby Luke staying put and hanging out for another week. 11 more weeks to go and we just cannot wait!

I'm still doing well. Waddling now as Doug calls it is the new thing this week. So nothing new much this week other than waddling. Luke is still active as can be. He loves to move around just at the time I lay down to sleep. Crazy sweet boy!!! We go back to the doctor in a week for a 3D sonogram and check up. I can't wait to see how much he weighs! Someone told me at the bank the other day I was going to have a linebacker. Guess they think I am really big to not be due until May! Oh well who cares! I'll take a linebacker and a healthy full term baby any day! 

It's been very crazy and hectic at work this week and I have been truly exhausted. Doug got the stomach bug from Will this week so I've have been doing everything and trying to avoid it. I've been lucky so far! Thursday it iced here and I decided that it was too dangerous to drive to work in this being 7 months pregnant so I just took the day off. I relaxed and hung out with Will and Doug and it was nice. 

So if I make it to 30 weeks a prenatal massage is in store for this girl!!! Here's to 29 weeks and onto 30 weeks, Let's GO!!!! 

Nursery Update

We have curtains up and I'm completely obsessed with them! It completes the room! We are still waiting on bumpers to be finished. I'm absolutely loving this room. I will do a complete blog post on the nursery once it's finished! 

Here's the curtains

Here is what's done so far

Wall as you walk in. Prints are from Etsy

Area over the changing table/dresser

Reading Wall

And this kiddo cannot wait for Baby Luke or as Will calls him "Baby Wooke" to get here! 

What in the world am I gonna do with 2 sweet little boys?!?!?!?

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