Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy 17 months Will

Will turned 17 months on June 19th. He weighs somewhere around 19lbs and is a very active child. He wears a size 18 months clothes, size 3 diapers and size 3 shoes. He's not crazy about eating and would rather play than eat. His new food choices are ritz crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, hash browns (cooked by his Papaw Penny), toast, cheese puffs, any kind of fish, powdered donuts, ground beef (hates chicken), hot dogs, mixed veggies, and bananas. The only fruit so far he will eat is a banana (he hated the baby food bananas) and the only veggies he will eat is if it is a mixed vegetable can and nothing else. Crazy I know!

He is still NOT walking! UGh! Its driving me crazy. His sweet therapist is baffled because he will take anything (big or small) and hold on to it and walk with it but will not let go and do it himself. So we are working on some new exercises to strengthen his legs. My mom has already told me that when he does start walking to be prepared because he is going to take off. He loves going up the stairs and will go as fast as you let him go. He has not come down them yet.

I can definitely say that I have a fish child who LOVES the water! Bath time is hilarious and you are going to get soaken wet! My child LOVES the swimming pool. We leave Friday for the beach so hopefully he will LOVE the ocean just as much as his momma does. We are in the pool at least 2-3 days a week. Mainly because the kiddy pool is good for him to walk in and it is a "demand" from our sweet therapist to work on. Momma doesn't mind the "demand" of it either. He loves to float in the water too and watch the big kids swim. So far, we have had a great summer.

He still says bye, big, mama, dadda, and his new word is boo and bad. He gets in the dishwasher to pull and bang my plates around and we tell him NO and he quits and he looks at us and says "bad." It's hilarious! Doug has taught him to cover his eyes and go "boo" and to also make the indian sound with his mouth. He's a quick learner too. He does a lot of things to try and sneak different things by us when he knows he should not do it. His new favorite thing is shutting doors and flapping the detergent door back and forth in the dishwasher. Trust me I have been shut in a closet, pantry, and out of a room before. He's quick!

So glad my sweet miracle Will is learning new things each and every day and growing up so much! 

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