Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Day with the Smothers

After breakfast we headed to my mom's house to have lunch and Christmas with my family. All the kids were there and it was WILD. Nana and Poppa Bill's always buy way too much for the kids but it's all about the kids. Plus us girls have to have our stockings and so that has been something they can't stop doing. This year, my mother gave my sisters and I mink earmuffs made from our grandmothers mink coats. So we had to take a sister pic with our new mink earmuffs. LOL! 

Anyways, lunch was good and the kids and older kids had a blast! 

Here's the recap:

Sister pic with the mink earmuffs

Nana and Poppa Bill's and all the grand kids

Will's stocking

Luke chilling in the swing

Opening presents

Lots of presents

Will got a pad of his own

And new John Deere boots

More trains

Even a new Mini Thomas the Train track

Tucker had a fun first Christmas

Luke tried to eat the paper while Nana opened her gifts

Will got another new train from my parents and we hooked this all together and made a HUGE train track

Christmas was so much fun and we had a great time! 

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