Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday Will!

4 years, already?!?!? Really, where has the time gone?

I can't believe my energetic, Mickey Mouse/Paw Patrol loving, high-fiving and spunky child is 4 years old. Will lights up our hearts with his random sayings and sweet innocent looks. He has warmed our hearts and blessed up since day 1. He literally amazes me every day! He still likes to push our buttons and test us but he sure knows how to make up for it. He can look at me, twist my arm in so many ways and I give in. I mean, how do you spank or punish a child when they look at you like that?

Will is full of life. He can say his bedtime prayers and always wants to say the blessing at dinner time. It's so sweet! He's learning so much about God, church, and life. As parents you want to steer them in that direction and make sure they are following the right paths. He loves school, anything and everything John Deere, trains, Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse, hanging out with his grandparents just loafing, eating, and anything and everything because he's all boy!

I always think back on this day when Will and Drew were born and why God spared Will but not Drew. I always wonder and will continue to wonder why God took Drew from us and left Will. I might never know the answer, but I can definitely tell you that there is not a day that goes by that God doesn't constantly remind us of Drew. We don't know what Drew would have looked like nor how he would have acted but if its any evident of how Will is then Drew would have been perfect too.

God placed Will with us and Drew with him and we will probably never know why. So, yes January 19th is a special day, a day to rejoice and celebrate 2 special, special boys whose lives have forever impacted other lives and will continue to do so. Tomorrow, we celebrate another day when Drew met Jesus for the first time. So, yes, when January 19th and 20th comes around we never forget what happened that day back in 2012.


I'm so thankful that God gave us you 4 years ago today. You have taught us lots of patience, unconditional love, and how to be better parents. It hasn't been easy but God has walked us through it. You have given us many frightening moments and you probably have more to come because that's what we call LIFE! We thank God every day for your big smile, sweet hugs and kisses, but most of all your precious hard-headed and strong will zest for life. Whatever you do, may you honor God in all that you do!

We love you buddy and Happy 4th Birthday!

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