Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy 9 months

Luke turned 9 months old on February 6th. He is hilarious! He has his own little language going and tries so hard to communicate with you.

He finally has 2 teeth!! He cut them right around mid January. One tooth cut through and then a week later I felt another one coming through. His 2 teeth are so precious. 

He's not crawling yet but swimming as we say. He's getting more and more tummy time to make that happen. He's tried juice, eats Gerber puffs, tried mashed potatoes, eats oatmeal, and loves baby food. We are trying a new routine with him on food. We are increasing his bottles to 3 - 8oz bottles with snack and food in between. Let's hope it works. We tried a sippy cup with juice today and he did great! 

Luke loves to watch his brother play and laughs at him a lot. I can begin to see what these two will be like in the future! Luke can sit up really well by himself and play with his toys. He loves to bang things together and make noise. 

He wears a 9-12 months clothes and still a size 2.5-3 infant shoe. He's in size 3 diapers too.

He goes to sleep around 7:30-8 at night and sleeps till 7:15-7:30 when we are walking out of the house to daycare. He rarely takes a nap at home or at daycare. He maybe sleeps 30-45 minutes in the morning and maybe 30-45 minutes in the afternoons. He's not much of a nap taker. I'm hoping that will change soon. One day at daycare he slept all of 10 minutes but literally crashed when we got home and it was an early bed time too.

Luke is so much fun and he brings so much joy and laughter to our lives! 

9 month picture

What's this thing on my chest?

Took it off

Hmm, I think I'll eat it

Hmm...tastes good

Feed me

Big boy in the big boy bath tub

His 2 bottom teeth

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