Sunday, May 22, 2016

Will's End of the School Year Celebration

This past Thursday we had Will's End of the School Year music performance at the church he attends. The program was so cute and Will did a semi-better job this year. He didn't sing much but he stayed with his class for a little bit longer than last year. He was a little nervous and you could tell but all in all it was a cute performance. After the performance there was a reception with cookies and lemonade for the parents and kids. Will had so much fun learning in Mrs. Emerald and Mrs Vita's class. Will is going to a new school in the fall and we are excited about this new opportunity of learning and fun!

In comes Will and his teacher, Mrs. Vita

Will is nervous because his hands are in his mouth

All the kids in the 2s, 3s, and 4s performing

The two 3 year old classes

Will's class performing their songs

Fuzzy Wuzzy Catepillar and the caterpillars are asleep and Will is in my lap watching this and we couldn't convince him to go back up and sing

Cousin Peyton got his 4k certificate

Daddy and Will at the reception


  1. Will has grown and learned so much! He has a special place in my heart. Playing and caring for Will reminds me of my young mother days with my own boys. Thank you for sharing him with me and allowing me care for him

  2. I really enjoy keeping up with your boys. Just wanted to let you know, I "borrowed" a couple of pictures from the preschool program because my granddaughter was in the "red shirt" class and you had better seats than I did!
