Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy 16 months Will

Will is 16 months old today. He weighs about 19lbs and is 30 inches long. He loves to pull up on me, his daddy, furniture, cabinets, drawers, and anything else he can grab onto and boost himself up. He is cruising like crazy but still won't walk. He will walk if we are holding his hands but once you let go, down he goes. He's just scared and insecure about the whole walking thing. 

He has had an ear infection but other than that he has been good and well. He loves going to Mother's Day out, church, out to eat, grocery store and riding in a buggy. The boys face lights up when we put him in a buggy and go inside a store. It's so funny! 

So far Will has eaten all kinds of foods. He loves fish, French fries, peas, mixed veggies, hamburger meat, pancakes, yogurt, bananas, animal crackers, gold fish, applesauce, mandarine oranges, lunch meat, cheese, and chocolate chewy cookies. He would rather eat sweets than healthy food. His daddy says he is just like his momma and that is so true! He's not fond of Mac and cheese and grilled chicken. Whenever you try to help him eat he doesn't want you too and wants to do it all by himself. Mr Independent! He loves to feed himself and take the food out if his mouth, inspect it, and put it right back in. 

He can say bye, big, mama and daddy. He just now figured out how to move his fingers in a bye motion. It's way to cute. My dad is teaching him "touchdown Ole Miss" and it's precious. He throws his hands up when you say it. I LOVE it! Also we say to him "so big" and he throws his hands as wide as they go. He loves to clap his hands and laugh too. 

My baby is growing up so fast. So happy 16 months old sweet boy! God has big plans for you!!!!!

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