Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy 19 months old Will

Will turned 19 months old yesterday on August 19th. He is into everything! He is walking everywhere. He still wears 18 months clothes and weighs about 19lbs 6oz and is about 30.5 inches long. At his 18 months check up he was finally on the chart for head, length and weight but really low on the chart. That's ok but he is very active and healthy. 

He started walking about a month ago when he took two steps at therapy. I about cried! Since then he has been going strong. He still hasn't mastered getting up to a walking position from the floor. He needs a little assistance with the help of the wall or someone. At least he is walking and doing so good with it. 

He's still eating good foods and is on a STRAW cup. He started rejecting his sippy cup and loved getting drinks from the end of our straw so we decided to try one last week and he LOVES it! So proud of my big boy!!! He is growing up way too fast and I don't like it! 

His favorite toys are Elmo, a roll of paper towels, the refrigerator and the dishwasher, shoes, the dogs toys, boxes, and anything else he can find to destroy or play with other than his toys. 

Overall Will is happy all the time. He is always telling people bye and waving to people as we pass them by. He never meets a stranger. 

Happy 19 months old sweet boy! 

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