Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy 22 months Will

Will is 22 months old today. That means in January I will have a TWO year old. Oh my goodness time flies. I would not trade it for the world anyways. Will is so funny now. He just started speech therapy two days a week so hopefully we can get some more words into his little mouth. 

We are working on knowing our body parts but he sure can tell you where his belly is. 

He loves to take a bath. Every night we ask Will if he's ready for a bath and he runs to the bath tub yelling "ba" for bath. So we go get his towel and washcloth and we go take a bath. 

He loves to drink the bath water. Gross! 

He plays with his trucks in the bath tub

He loves to give kisses to anyone and anything. After he makes you mad or does something wrong, he gives you a kiss. 

This child loves a remote, cellphones, and iPads. 

We also think he may have a future career as a painter. Hint the booty crack. 

Will is a climber on and off any piece of furniture he can get on. He knows how to turn the lights on and off constantly. He calls our dog, Maddie, "Mae Mae." So sweet because every morning Maddie greets him in his room and he goes "Mae Mae." He knows what a banana is and he loves to eat them. He loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and will hand you the iPad to watch "mick." When he's ready for bed he will go "nigh nigh." We are working on knowing the sounds that different things make like trucks and cars. He's a little behind on a few things but his mind is catching on like crazy. He's absorbing anything and everything. He's been tailgating in the Circle with us this fall for the Ole Miss games but has not made it to all the home games. 

Overall we are excited about what's to come for our Will and what God has planned for his life. Happy 22 months old Will. 

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