Monday, May 7, 2012

NICU Day 108

Will weighs 4lbs 14.1oz or 2215 grams. He was running a high temperature of 99.3 this morning whihc is very unusual for him but the nurse checked it later and it was down to 97.8. He didn't eat good for us at 4am or at 8am but his 12noon feeding was much better. I have a feeling he knows something is going on tomorrow. So tomorrow is the big day for his hernia repair surgery. I know he will be in great hands but we are very nervous about tomorrow, me especially. This is something that needs to be done and Will will feel so much better after the surgery with that big hernia gone.

Here are the procedures for tomorrow's surgery. Will will not be able to get any food after his midnight feeding. The nurses will start an IV for fluids and he will be put back on the ventilator sometime in the early morning. Dr. Pigott will be performing Will's surgery and it is usually around 12noon but it could be before or after. He will remain sedated for pain because if he moves too much then he might cause himself to rip the incision and that would be really bad. Will will remain on the ventilator until the doctors feel he is ready to come back off. Once he is off the ventilator he can resume eating small amounts by bottle.

We are nervous about tomorrow. Please pray for peace, patience, the doctor who will perform Will's surgery, the nurses that will tend to him, and everyone else involved in his surgery. He will be in great hands tomorrow but we are still nervous about the whole thing. I will update everyone once I know more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying that everything will go perfectly tomorrow, for Will, the doctors & yall.
