Friday, June 29, 2012

Life with Will

Life will Will is awesome! We are having a great time. He is still sleeping really good at night which makes for a happy mom during the day. He is still taking a morning nap and an afternoon nap. After his 4pm feeding, he likes to stay up and swing, talk to us and just simply be cuddled. He loves his swing. We put him in there yesterday morning and he swang for about an hour and was alseep. He loves bath time. He gets a bath about every 3 days. He is fussy when we put him in there but when he gets the water drizzled over his body, he is in heaven! He is baby talking to us every now and then. He is beginning to reach and grab for things. He hates his feet tickled and hates to have socks on them. When I put socks on his feet, he does everything to take them off. He hates to be covered up with a blanket while napping too. Overall he is a happy baby! We have been to my mom's house several times this week just for a new change of scenery. We have also ventured out to Sam's Club. We went to visit our friends at the NICU. We went to Memphis last weekend to celebrate Ross and Kalyn's birthdays. He met lots of family members. We haven't been strolling much this week because the temperatures have been so HOT in the mornings. Overall, life with Will is great. Oh and by the way, he weighs around 8lbs 7.5oz according to the pediatrician scale on Thursday. He is growing and is almost out of newborn sleepers. He is now wearing 0-3 months clothes. His legs are getting so chubby and I LOVE it!

Sweet face I get to look at every day

Precious feet

This is how we chill in the mornings in our Nap Nanny

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