Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Will's 1 year check up

Will had a great 1 year check up today. He weighs 17lbs 11oz and is in the 4% percentile of a 12 month old. He is 28 inches long and is in the 2% percentile of a 12 month old. Both are good knowing how small we were when we began. His head is way off the charts of where it needs to be. Therefore we have been sent for an X-ray of the head called a craniosynostosis which will determine if he needs to wear a helmet or not. If he does need to wear a helmet then we would be referred to a neurosurgeon in Memphis to do that. The helmet will help fix the shape of his head.

We have been given the go ahead to start introducing table foods. So moms please give me your advise on what to introduce. We were told soft veggies and crackers, wafers and Cheerios. I can't wait for this to begin!!!!!!! We have also been told that now is a good time to start slowly getting him off the bottle. We are going back to search for that perfect sippy cup or cup. Suggestions needed as well!

Overall Dr Stone was impressed with Will and his growth. Yeah for a good report.

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