Friday, July 29, 2016

Update on Will and Luke

Life is extremely busy with a 14 month old and a 4 1/2 year old.

Luke is on the move and has been since the beginning of July. He is crawling and pulling up all the time. He loves to bang on the table and laugh when he does it. He would rather play with Will's toys than his. Luke is always banging blocks on the floor and playing with the toy cars we have. His new words are "uh oh" "mmmmm" and "bye bye." He does like to bang the toilet seat up and down and hear it crash. He laughs all the time when it does happen. In August he moves up to the toddler room at daycare.

Will is constantly going non-stop. He is obsessed with Paw Patrol as well as Blaze and the Monster Machines. He has bribed us with so many toys for doing good things and has gotten a Paw Patroller and the Air Patroller. He is working on the firefighter Blaze but we haven't given in to that one yet. Will is back asleep in his own bed. He hasn't been in his bed since Luke was 4 weeks old and has been sleeping on a blow up mattress in our floor. He realizes now that his room is fun to sleep in we tell him not to get up till morning time. Every morning he runs to us and says "it's morning time now."

Will and Luke are constantly changing and growing up and it makes me sad!

Fun times in the morning with these two! 

Always messing with brother

Anybody need any laundry helpers????

Basketball in the den

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