Saturday, March 14, 2015

30 weeks and the count down begins!

30 weeks, we made it! We had a little scare this week and I didn't think we would make it. I landed in the hospital Tuesday morning for a little observation because I couldn't feel Luke move anymore. He hadn't moved much since Sunday morning and then Monday I never felt him at all. I even ate what I could to get him to move and laid down on my left side and I couldn't feel him move. Tuesday morning I called the doctor and they advised me to go to the Women's hospital to get checked out. As soon as they hooked me up to the monitors, all was good. I heard a perfect heartbeat and Luke was kicking away. I laid there for about an hour and a half hooked up to the monitors while they monitored his movements. I was given Apple juice and he really got to moving. I guess I just got really scared but I was advised by the nurse practitioner on call that I did the right thing. She said he was probably running out of room and sometimes babies slow their movements down and don't move as much. I left there with good instructions and was told to come back if I didn't feel him move. Since then he has been moving up a storm. I was lying on the couch the other night and all of a sudden I saw this ball roll across my stomach. It was him of course but one of the neatest things I've seen.

We go back to the doctor on Monday for a 30 week appointment and we are getting a 3D ultrasound and I'm so excited to see my little man. We can't wait to find out how much he's grown. 

Nursery Progress

All the crib bedding is done. Mom finished the bumpers and brought them over. The only thing left is a bench seat, pillow, and finish the project over the bed. I absolutely LOVE his nursery!!!

I enjoyed a cookie and cupcake with this sweet little one Friday while we waited on daddy to get a haircut! I sugared him up and sent him home with daddy while I went back to work. 

All clean and ready for bed and ready to be a BIG BROTHER soon

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