Thursday, April 12, 2012

NICU Day 83 & Happy 12 weeks old

BIG NEWS! Will is in a CRIB!!!!! Ah, we are soooooooooo excited! Will moved into a crib this morning around 9:30am and is doing well so far. He is so far holding his own temperature. They check it every hour for the next 4 hours then if all is well then they won't check it for another 3 hours at every feeding. Please pray that he can continue to stay in a crib and not go back to the incubator. We are praying all day and every hour!

The other changes for today are they do not have to weigh his diaper every time because he is pooping and peeing the right amount. He is also getting to bottle feed or nurse every other time. He will also have lab work and a chest xray tomorrow to see how well his lungs are functioning inside his precious little body.

Also sweet little Will weighs 3lbs 13oz or 1740 grams. He gained 40 grams overnight. He is doing so well today and is 12 weeks old today! Yeah for good improvements!

Our God has been so good to Will and us. We have stayed persistent in prayer and constantly in his word and obeying and listening to what he has to tell us. We've never doubted him because we know he will always take care of us. And he has and has greatly rewarded us with many many special things over the last 4 weeks. We couldn't be more proud to honor and praise his name for the mighty works he has done in Will's life. Our God is an AWESOME GOD!

Will is loving his new home

I'm in a crib!

One proud daddy

Precious angel! He looks much better dressed than just in his diaper

Momma and Daddy's sweet boy

One proud momma

Sleepy boy

Proud parents

I got this precious outfit for Will from a sweet friend. Thank you Mrs. Margaret!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Can't wait to see more pics of him in cute outfits!! :)
