Friday, April 13, 2012

NICU Day 84

Will had a good night. He has enjoyed his crib so far. He weighs a whooping 3lbs 13.7oz or 1750 grams. He gained 10 grams which is great because babies use a lot of energy when they get to an open crib so they tell you to expect them to loose weight. Not Will, he gained 10 grams! Yeah!

Will's blood work and chest xray all looked great. Dr Nading said that we would probably not be going home until around my due date which is 3 weeks away. He has to have hernia surgery before we go home. They won't consider hernia surgery until he is 2000 grams or 4lbs 4ozy. Also, he has got to get used to feeding every 3 hours and take enough food to be satisfied. Right now we are feeding every 3 hours but every other time is tube fed and the other times we are nursing or bottle feeding. So please join us in praying that Will can eventually feed every 3 hours by bottle or nursed and also we can continue to lower his flow and oxygen levels then we can be considered going home. Yeah and what a glorious day that will be when we can go home.

Will will have his hearing checked this afternoon and his eyes checked again on Wednesday. We are so proud of his major accomplishments! The Lord has definitely been good to us and we are grateful for his every loving care and protection! What a mighty God we serve!

Just Chillin'

Will has broken in the Ole Miss cap.
Thank you Greg and Toya for the cap.
But, Candace this picture is for you! Will LOVES you!

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