Saturday, April 25, 2015

36 weeks

36 weeks today!!! I just don't know what to say! I never thought I would make it this far! God has been so GOOD to us and it is definitely something we are thankful for! This week we reached exactly 1 month until Luke's due date in May. We are so ready and excited to see when he will arrive, who he will look like, and if Will is going to like him. Will is going to have an adjustment to make so please pray for us as we begin to make the transition to a family of four! 

Heartburn and indigestion has literally killed me this week. It's been awful. I've felt like I have had a few contractions but I'm not sure if it's them or just gas pains. Lol!! Luke has been moving a lot these days but some are a lot more forceful than others. He tends to use my stomach as a boxing ring and my bladder as his jumping mat. I'm up every 2 hours at night now peeing and I sometimes dread sleeping because I just can't get comfortable anymore. There are more pillows in my bed than people! 

We go to the doctor Monday and begin our once a week visits. I can't wait to see how much he weighs and to see his sweet face again.

In other news.......

Things are moving along at the house as we anticipate Luke's arrival. Back in the fall we added an arbor and a new stone patio area onto the back of the house. I got my patio furniture ordered and sweet hubby put it together this week and we have been enjoying the cooler nights on it. I've got a few more pieces to add but here it is. 

Also we have had an ongoing project of new landscaping beds being installed and a new irrigation system put in plus we had to get a new water meter installed for the irrigation and because of all the rain we have had here recently the guys finally finished it this week other than a few minor things to touch up. We told them it had to be finished by May 1st because of Baby Luke's arrival. 

Also Will got a new playground set for his birthday and it's been in boxes since March because every weekend it's been raining or too cold and Doug and his dad couldn't get it together. Well it's been in the process of going together since Friday and I've been supervising the project! It's almost done! 

So here's to 36 weeks and progress this week on projects! 

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