Sunday, January 29, 2012

NICU Day 11

Will had another great night. He is up from 5ml to 6ml every 3 hours. So his feedings have increased! YEAH! He gained 10 grams and is up to 540 grams but still 1lb 3oz. They will do another blood gas test tomorrow as well as a chest xray to see if his lungs are still functioning well based on what the machine is saying. Pray that those tests go well tomorrow.

Thank you God for my sweet Will and his daily improvements! I pray that you will continue to put your loving arms around him and keep helping him grow stronger each and every day. Thank you God for this amazing gift of life! How can we ever repay you for such a perfect gift? Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Kara - We are praying for you, Doug and Will. I dropped a breakfast casserole by your parents today. If you need anything in addition to prayer please let me know.
