Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nicu Day 55

Will is doing good. He did loose only 10 grams last night but that is due to having lasix being administered after the blood transfusion and he had lots of peepee diapers. His new weight is 2lbs 8oz still but 1120 grams. His feedings did increase to 20ml from 19ml. Will is all set with coming off the ventilator tomorrow. His breathes per minute rate decreased from 17 to 14. He will get a shot of decadron tomorrow morning at 2am and then every 12 hours. He will come off the ventilator tomorrow morning sometime. We are praying and crossing our fingers that this will be the last time. I know I sound like a broken record but this is the life of a Nicu mom's life. Plus Thursdays are always eventful for Will so we are praying also for a good day with good outcomes.

Another great devotion I read today from Joyce Meyers Ministries study on my phone app. What a great devotion leading into tomorrows big day for Will.

What Do We Do?

In the world we live in, we are going to have all kinds of problems, frustrations and difficulties. That's just life. So knowing this, what do we do?

We must remain steadfast and persevere. In other words, the answer is never give up! No matter what's going on in our lives, the victory is in refusing to quit.

Keep in mind that in the heat of our struggles, the Holy Spirit is probably doing His greatest work within us. He is not moved by the circumstances. If you and I really trust Him, we shouldn't be either! He's not in our lives for good times only, but for the difficult times as well.

He will lead us through anything if we'll just hang in there and follow Him. This means being diligent in prayer, relentless in our resolve, unwavering in faith, and determined to stand firmly on God's Word and His promises to us.

So many times we can be sidetracked by how slowly things seem to be going. In fact, the enemy loves to point that out! But remember, that's when God may be doing some of His greatest work. You see, it's not all about you and me. The Lord's work in us is preparation for the work He wants to do through us!

I know life can be hard sometimes. But I also know that God will help us if we remain steadfast. Let's stand on Galatians 6:9: "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up" (NLT).

So let me ask that question again: What do we do? My answer is, never give up! What's your answer?

Our prayer today: God, I believe that You are at work in our life, even during those  difficult times. We choose today to remain steadfast and to never give up in obedience to You. We will march on towards the ultimate goal because we know your plan and goals for our lives are far better than we intended for them to be. Thank you for blessing is today with these words of encouragement as we face a new road tomorrow with Will. Amen!

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