Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Luke is 1 week old

Luke has survived with us for the first week of his life and we have survived with him. It's a big adjustment trying to take care of him and spend as much time with Will as we can but we have managed. Will has done such a good job as a Big Brother so far. He's very protective of him and wants to know where he is at all times. We've got him to help us with Luke's sponge baths and diaper changes. He's always wanting to see what's going on and not miss a thing. The bond between these two is starting to melt this momma's heart.

Luke has been dealing with jaundice and we have had to go back to the follow up clinic several times and we have also been on the bilirubin blanket. His levels have come down and we are off the blanket and are now to check up with the doctor next week at our 2 week appointment. We are just to enjoy the sunshine outside and can't get enough of it.

He currently weighs 6lbs and 10oz but is steadily gaining it back. He takes his formula every 3-4 hours and sleeps all the time. At night he takes a late bottle at around 10-11, another at 2-3, and then again between 6-7 so we think this is a good schedule for him and he isn't minding a bit. We do have a hearing test follow up next week because he failed his hearing test twice while in the hospital so we pray that goes well. 

My mom has been here a good bit doing housework for me while I rest but I feel like a lazy person but I've been told I have to take it easy so I'm trying to let people help out and it's hard because I'm so used to doing it all by myself. We are just trying to keep up the house and make life as simple as possible. 

So far all is good in our lives and we are so thankful Luke is here with us because it makes my life and heart complete! I couldn't be happier than I am right now. 

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