Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy 2 Week Old Birthday, NICU Day 15, and Pictures

Will turns 2 weeks old today. I still can't believe he is here and is two weeks old. This just blows my mind. Through this whole process, I've realized it's not my plan and never was and that it has and always will be God's plan for my life. For someone who is a planner like me, that has been hard to digest but we are living every day according to his plan for our lives, whatever that may be.

Will decided to throw us a curve ball on his 2 week old birthday. The doctors ran some tests today to see if he could possibly have a blood infection but that was CLEAR! Now he has had to go under a blood transfusion and had to be pricked again in his tiny little head. I've learned this today, even though his blood type is O+, the NICU babies only receive O- blood. Interesting, I know. He also has a blood vessel that hasn't closed near his heart and will begin a medication for that until Saturday. Therefore, his feedings will be put on hold until Saturday. What he has is called Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) which is the most common heart problem in premature babies. Before birth, much of a fetus' blood goes through a passageway (ductus arteriosus) from one blood vessel to another instead of through the lungs, because the lungs are not yet in use. This passageway should close soon after birth, so the blood can take the normal route from heart to lungs and back. If it doesn't close, blood doesn't flow correctly. In some cases, drug treatment can help close the passageway. If that doesn't work, surgery can close it. With all that being said, Will's has not closed and they are treating it with medicine until Saturday.

Please continue to pray for Will and us as we continue this journey in the NICU. We have experienced some great days but today was one of those days that we will just have to climb back up that hill to reach the top and continue this roller coaster ride. Please pray that the medicine will work and Will's vessel will close without them having to do surgery on down the road and that we will be able to keep his weight gain and tolerate his feedings once he gets put back on them on Saturday.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Happy 2 week old birthday to me. I got pricked in the head today for my birthday!

He loves to have his arm above his head when he's on his back

Tummy Time, my favorite!!

My mommy keeps a close watch on me

I love to hold my mommy and daddy's fingers

Psalms 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


  1. Prayers continue!! Precious pictures.

  2. We are praying so hard and continually! I love the pictures! It is so wild how tiny he is! Paxton was 8 pounds 14 ounces in the NICU ... he literally took up the entire bed! I am just in awe of how tiny he is! we will keep praying for all of you.... I also like the pic of you looking in on him and smiling. You and Doug have a very contagious smile.
