Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy 3 weeks and NICU update Day 22

Well once again Will decided to spring another 3 week surprise on us again. He has developed a slight infection in his lung and is getting treated with medicines. The infection is very common in preemies this size because their bodies and immune systems are not strong enough to fight it. They started him on fluids because he has decided not to urinate in his diaper. Dr Nading heard a slight murmur in his heart so they did a scan to see if the PDA has returned and we don't have the results yet. It is very common for it to return again. His feedings have been stopped temporarily due to the infection and not having enough fluids so we will wait and see when little man can eat again today. He also had to have another blood transfusion because his blood count was low.

We know God is in total control of Will's life and he has his perfect plan for him. We as his parents are always asking "why God why us" but we know without a shadow of a doubt God is using us and Will as a living testimony of his amazing strength and power. As this NICU journey continues we rely on God for things we cannot answer but trust in him that he knows what he is doing in Will's life. Therefore we may not understand everything but we know God does and we trust in that. Jesus said in John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled: Trust in God, trust also in me." We are trusting in God for that everlasting strength and love he comforts us with every single day.

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