Monday, February 13, 2012

NICU Day 26

Will had another good night. He had a suppository and had some great poopy diapers for his night nurse. They have weined him down from 17 breathes per minute to 14 breathes per minute. He is getting two doses of steriods today. Dr Nading wants to try him off the ventilator tomorrow. His weight is still the same at 1lb 5oz or 590 grams. He has a chest xray and lab work scheduled for tomorrow. He has another blood gas at 5pm today but had one his morning and his blood gases were great. His feedings have not increased but are still at 11ml. They are doing some blood work tomorrow to check and see if the infection is clear and if it is the antibotics should stop tomorrow. Also, I got to put lotion on his back and he really liked it.

We are so scared again if Dr Nading decides to take him off the ventilator tomorrow. Please pray that all will go well with all the lab work and chest xrays. Also please pray that Will will be able to hold his own while being off his ventilator longer than 48 hours. We are being optimistic and very positive that he will do great. God is in control of our little fighters life.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


  1. So thankful to the nurses and doctors who are taking such wonderful care of him!! Still praying...

  2. I love seeing pictures of your sweet little boy! He is precious! I'm praying for you guys.
